Hi I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who has worked on the new site its looking really good, and user friendly. I am looking forward to posting lots of pics and info to try and encourage more like minded people into our club, who can enjoy the fantastic fisheries we have to offer. Hopefully lots our members will use it and add to it to make it even better. Thanks again
New season coming up guys , let me tell you about my observations last season. firstly we are having great cooperation off the council ie regular patrols around the pond and the Manmoel road , we hope this continues this season.police are also making regular turn ups and occasional checks .
Re the council they have no obligation to patrol , its only through club cooperation with the head ranger that they’re doing so , ( you scratch my back kind of deal )
last season these fish thieves were heavily ground baiting the wall and overflow,that was why the favourite beats for fishing we’re barren , I refer to the point, the log and bottom bays . Fish are not going to move from where they are receiving regular grub.
So in essence these thieves are not only picking your pockets they are dictating where you can fish .
Any ideas of prevention will be welcomed. tight lines guys and hope to see you at the AGM .
Alan ( Treasurer )