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Pant-Yr-Eos Reservoir
Pant-yr-eos is now open! With the structural work now complete on the dam wall, we are very excited to get back to this idyllic setting. Pant-yr-eos is home to both rainbow and brown trout, making it a firm favorite amongst our members.
No wading is allowed at the Reservoir because of the steep banks and deep water.
All Brown trout caught must be returned to the water whether they are alive or dead.
Day ticket holders must stop fishing these waters when the second fish of the day is killed.
Any fish to be killed must be over 12” long when measured from the tip of the nose to the fork of the tail.
DAY TICKET: £20 (2 fish)
Pant-Yr-Eos Reservoir Gallery:


Pant-yr-eos reservoir

Pant-yr-eos reservoir

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