I fished the pond Thursday gone after a few months not fishing it. I had 2 hours spare in the morning so I headed to penyfan I always enjoy the fishing this time of year and more often than not Il fish the same method that's served me well over the years in the winter.
I fished the point and was surprised to hook a fish first cast and first 3 pulls after cast!! Brilliant.
I was rewarded again after the 3rd cast and managed to land another 4 fish within the next hour.
Using a 7# slow inter 1.5ips and a 10ft leader, switching between a Natural grey and
Black zonker around 2.5" long the fish responded well to them being fished slow and steady.
My method at that location is to cast and count down 18 to 20 seconds a give 3 long slow pulls at first, I found 90% of the fish were being hooked at that point. I think I was landing my flies into a shoal around 30 yards out. Looking forward to the next time! I wont be waiting as long as last time.

What a great post Sean!